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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

This section contains information on the conditions of access and use of this website, which the user must be aware of. General information on in accordance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

Owner: Multi Liberty SL
NIF: B27852839
Head office: C/ Cruces de San Juan, 47. 35015. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Website: _
On our website we inform you of everything that may interest customers: promotions and product offers, etc.

Access to the site, content and information. Access to this site is the sole responsibility of the users and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, terms and conditions of use. The site does not guarantee the availability of the articles, products and/or services presented on the site, nor that the prices are those in force at the time of consultation of the site. reserves the right to make all modifications and changes to the site that it deems appropriate and necessary, at any time and without notice.


The user undertakes to use the website and the services offered correctly, in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice and the instructions and notices provided to the user.

The user undertakes to use the website and all its contents exclusively for lawful and not prohibited purposes, which do not violate the law and/or may violate the legitimate rights of or third parties and/or may cause direct or indirect damage.

To this end, the user will refrain from using the contents of the site for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited by this legal notice, prejudicial to the rights and interests of third parties, or likely to damage, render unusable, overload, damage or prevent in any way the normal use of the site, hardware or computer documents, files and content of any kind stored on the computer equipment (hacking) of www. dolamex .com , other users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, and only by way of example and without limitation, the user undertakes not to disclose information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files , photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any type of material that is not available on the website.

In particular, the user undertakes not to transmit, distribute or make available to third parties, in any form whatsoever, information, data, content, messages, graphic representations, drawings, files sound and/or visual, photos, recordings, software, and in general, any type of material which:

In particular, and exclusively by way of example and without limitation, the User undertakes not to transmit, distribute or make available to third parties, information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings , sound and/or visual files, photos, recordings, software, and in general, any type of material that contravenes the fundamental rights and public freedoms established in the Constitution, international treaties and other laws; incites, encourages or promotes criminal, defamatory, slanderous, violent acts or acts in violation of the law, morals, generally accepted principles of morality or public order; provokes, encourages or promotes discriminatory acts, behaviors or ideas based on gender, race, religion, belief, age or status; contains products, materials, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, profane, harmful, humiliating or in violation of law, morality or public order; is false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated, or is written in a manner that is misleading or likely to be misleading as to the subject matter or intentions or objectives of the author; is protected by the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties without the user having first obtained the necessary authorization from the owners of these rights to carry out the use they intend to make. infringes the trade secrets of third parties; violates the right to dignity, personal and family privacy or image; in any way damages the reputation of or a third party; violates the rules of confidentiality of electronic communications; constitutes, where applicable, illegal, misleading or unfair advertising, and in general, falls under the notion of unfair competition; contains viruses or other physical or electronic elements that disrupt the normal operation of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of or third parties, or which may damage electronic documents and files stored on this computer equipment; which, due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.), causes problems in the normal operation of the Service.

computer equipment (hardware and software) from www. dolamex. com or third parties, or which may damage electronic documents and files stored in this computer equipment; which, due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.), causes problems in the normal operation of the Service.

In accordance with the foregoing, the User undertakes to use the content made available on the Website, including, but not limited to, texts, photos, graphics, images, icons, technologies, software, links and any other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes (hereinafter referred to as "Content"), in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, other notices, conditions of use and instructions brought to its attention, as well as with morals and generally accepted good practices and public order; in particular, he undertakes to refrain from doing the following.

Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to the public or reproduce, transform or modify the content, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or the law permits it; remove any copyright or other reservation of rights notices from www. dolamex. com , digital fingerprints or other technical means implemented to detect, delete, falsify or modify them in any way. The user may not obtain or even attempt to obtain the content by means or procedures other than those made available for this purpose or indicated on the website where the content is located, or more generally on those that are commonly used on the Internet for this purpose, as long as they do not entail a risk of damage or uselessness for the website, services and/or content.

In particular, the use of photo and audio/video files from www. dolamex. com is subject to the following conditions: Their use for commercial purposes and/or their further distribution are prohibited. The images and audiovisual resources made available here are intended exclusively for use by the media for strictly informative purposes, with acknowledgment of the source. Their use to illustrate the activities, products or events of other companies is therefore prohibited. El Corte Inglés group companies reserve the right to withdraw authorization for the use of these images or audio/video files if they consider that they are being used for purposes detrimental to their interests. Users and, more generally, people who consider establishing a hyperlink between their website and the website (hereinafter referred to as "hyperlink") must comply with the following conditions, subject to obtain prior authorization:

  • The hyperlink only provides access to the home page or main page of the website, or to the specific point for which www. dolamex. com has given permission, but may not be reproduced in any way.

It is prohibited to create frames on the pages of the website; It is prohibited to make false statements or representations on www. dolamex. com , its administrators, website pages and products and/or services; It must not be stated or implied that www. dolamex. com has approved the hyperlink or has in any way monitored or adhered to the services offered or made available on the website on which the hyperlink is placed; With the exception of signs which are an integral part of the hyperlink itself, the website on which the hyperlink is placed must not contain any trademarks, trade names, trade dress, names, logos, slogans or other distinctive signs belonging to www. dolamex. com ; and the web page to which the hyperlink is established must not contain illegal information or content, contrary to morality and good customs and public order, or infringe the rights of third parties.

The creation of a hyperlink does not in any way imply the existence of a relationship between www. dolamex. com and the owner of the website on which the hyperlink is established, nor that www. dolamex. com has accepted and approved the content or services of this website.

INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The user undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of www. dolamex. com and third parties. The use of or provision of access to the website does not in any way imply the granting of rights to the trademarks, trade names or any other distinctive signs used on the website.

Users may download the Website to their end device, provided that this is done for private and non-commercial use, i.e. they may not use, reproduce, distribute, modify, communicate publicly, transmit, transform or exploit the content for public or commercial purposes.

Likewise, the content is the intellectual property of dolamex, without the user, in accordance with the provisions of this legal notice, granting him any right of use or any other right over this content which strictly exceeds what is necessary for correct use of the website.


www. dolamex. com does not guarantee that the website will be continuously available or in good working order. Where possible, www. dolamex. com will report any interruption in the operation of the website. www. dolamex. com does not guarantee that the website will be useful in carrying out any particular activity or that it will be foolproof.

Access to www. dolamex. com is free. However, www. dolamex. com reserves the right to block access without notice and to take appropriate legal measures against any user it considers to be in violation of the rules of use of its website. Additionally, www. dolamex. com reserves the right to limit access to certain parts of the website to the general public and to grant access only to certain users or groups of users, by assigning them a password for which they are responsible.

DISCLAIMER www. dolamex. com makes every effort to avoid errors in the content of the website. www. dolamex. com disclaims all liability for damages of any kind resulting from the following:

Interruption of service or unavailability of the website. Protection of privacy and security during use of the website by the user and/or unauthorized access by third parties. The possible transmission of elements that could have a negative effect on computer systems.

USE OF COOKIES www.dolamex. com may use cookies to facilitate navigation on the website and to know the user's preferences by recognizing them. However, users can configure their computer to accept or reject cookies in accordance with the instructions in our Cookie Policy.

PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, all users who provide or will provide personal data are informed in advance.

Users who provide or will provide their personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned regulation.

Personal data is collected through forms completed on the website. By checking the corresponding box, the user expressly and voluntarily gives consent for their personal data to be processed for the purposes for which they were requested.

LEGISLATION AND JURISDICTION The parties submit to the courts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for the resolution of disputes and waive any other jurisdiction.

If you need further clarification or additional translations, please do not hesitate to ask.